Engineering Our Sustainable Future
The Latest at Greenway
Dec 30
Joel explaining solar panels

Thank You


Looking back on 2024, we are incredibly proud of all that we’ve accomplished. And we couldn’t have done any of it without the support of all of you.

We are grateful for all the support we have received from our donors, partners, and the community.  We are especially grateful for the continued support of the National Science Foundation, Norwich Technologies, and our individual donors.


Expanding Our Team

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In September, Greenway added two incredible members to our team! Annick Dewald (left) joined as a founding faculty member and Mark Somerville (right) took the helm as Greenway’s President. You can read more about them on Our Team page.


Becoming Part of the Local Community

We are also grateful for the amazing community surrounding Greenway.  In addition to our engineering program development work, we’ve made some incredible community partnerships.

We’re looking forward to sharing about more community partnerships beginning in 2025!


Looking Ahead

Greenway will have more students in January 2025! We are so excited to welcome another cohort to pilot the work-integrated learning portion of Greenway’s vision.


We Need Your Support

Greenway’s program invites and supports students from our rural communities, creating opportunity and growth here at home. Our program deeply integrates learning with the workplace, so that we not only help Vermont businesses grow, but also help Vermont students acquire the skills they need while graduating on time and without debt. Greenway’s program is built around the idea that sustainability should be a core competency for engineers, not just an afterthought.

As we close out 2024, we hope you’ll make a contribution to support Greenway’s work to launch a hands-on, work-integrated, and debt-free engineering program here in Vermont.


Joel explaining solar panels

“My education and well-being are valued here, and I am left with little worry if I am going to succeed because I know I will.”
-Greenway student