As we develop Greenway’s engineering curriculum, we incorporate best practices from across the world of engineering education and beyond. One of the most innovative programs in engineering education is called Iron Range Engineering located in Northeast Minnesota. A group from Greenway & Elizabethtown College recently spent a packed two-day visit learning... read more →
Have you made plans for where you'll witness the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th? Greenway Institute is excited to be located in the path of totality at our Montpelier campus. You can find us celebrating in a couple different parts of the state. Montpelier There are two official eclipse... read more →
It’s hard to miss the signs that the economics of higher ed are broken. In Vermont alone, five different non-profit colleges have closed or merged since 2016, and others are under pressure. And this mirrors the trend across the US: on average, about 20 private non-profits have closed or merged per... read more →
Greenway Institute cofounder, Troy McBride, attended the KEEN (Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network) National Conference in Austin, Texas last weekend. He was joined by colleagues from our partner institution, Elizabethtown College. (more…)
We are busy planning the Sustainability Semester Away program for a Fall 2024 cohort. We have already begun recruiting current first-year college students to join us in Montpelier. Last week, Greenway's Troy McBride and Hannah Root made the trip to PA to recruit first year students... read more →
What are the really important educational experiences? (more…)
We operate using our GreenZero Principle. This means that we start our designs from the green ideal - 100% sustainable and equitable. (more…)
For years, engineering programs have struggled to attract and retain the talent we need to design and build our sustainable future, with attrition nationally hovering at about 50%. This is why Greenway is pioneering a 100% hands-on approach to educating young people in sustainable engineering and technology. Greenway puts building and... read more →
The Greenway team bid farewell to our small and mighty cohort of Sustainability Sophomores with an intimate graduation ceremony. Our students requested an event with a spooky holiday feel, and we happily obliged. (more…)